Naam recept
Een hele nieuwe wereld

Where can I find this recipe?
The name Vietnamama is a story in itself. A story about connection, heritage, love, family and food. Because what better way to celebrate life and love than by preparing and sharing the most delicious food together? We prefer to do that at locations that elevate atmosphere, life, togetherness and conviviality to an art.
Vietnamama therefore cooks straight from the heart and recipes that came with them from Vietnam when they made the crossing to the Netherlands.
In total we already saved
kg CO₂
at Voodoo Village.

About the score
This is the amount of CO₂ that this recipe produces.

An average Belgian meal produces 2.1 kg of CO₂. If the recipes produces less CO₂ the bar will be green, if the number is more or less the same it will be yellow and if the recipe produces more CO₂ the bar will be red.
CO₂ saved
This is the amount of CO₂ that you save compared to an average Belgian meal
km saved
15 km
That is equivalent to driving this amount of kilometers with an average Belgian car.