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Een hele nieuwe wereld

Where can I find this recipe?
A delicious Pita? Or a savoury Hotdog? Coming your way! The people from the Tel'Adog Foodtruck can't wait to serve you.
In total we already saved
kg CO₂
at Voodoo Village.

About the score
This is the amount of CO₂ that this recipe produces.

An average Belgian meal produces 2.1 kg of CO₂. If the recipes produces less CO₂ the bar will be green, if the number is more or less the same it will be yellow and if the recipe produces more CO₂ the bar will be red.
CO₂ saved
This is the amount of CO₂ that you save compared to an average Belgian meal
km saved
6 km
That is equivalent to driving this amount of kilometers with an average Belgian car.
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