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A Whole New World
Engage your family
Using our mobile application, you can discover your personal impact and reduce it gradually. But there is more! Our tool allows to save your own recipes and see their impact, plan your weekly meals and easily generate a shopping list that can be shared with your family on that account.
Add ingredients
To create your own recipe and save it to your meal planner.
Impact calculator
We immediately show you the impact of the recipe you made.
Shopping list
Add your recipes to your weekly planner and shopping list.
Download our app for free!
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"From the very first moment you start to learn and make a change for our planet, you are considered to be an Ecoterian"
An Ecoterian lifestyle is a lifestyle in which you are aware of your impact on this planet and try to minimize it as much as possible. You will try to live with nature in stead of against it. The Ecoterian diet is the very first step towards making this change.
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We are permanently working on new features to make this transition easier. Want to stay up to date when we added one? Make sure to subscribe for our e-mails!
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